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Chicago Nursing Home Abuse Attorneys

Residents of long-term care facilities, commonly known as nursing homes, are part of a vulnerable population at risk of being taken advantage of. Their rights need protecting against abuse and neglect. At the Chicago firm of Hofeld and Schaffner, we aim to uphold the Illinois Nursing Home Care Act, which states that a resident of an Illinois nursing home has the same rights as any other state citizen.

Common causes of nursing home malpractice include preventable injuries from:

  • Falls out of wheelchairs or beds
  • Improperly secured restraints
  • Physical abuse from staff
  • Choking on liquids or food with the wrong texture

Staff neglect can lead to these types of malpractice:

  • Wandering within the facility or out in the community
  • Bedsores from lack of repositioning
  • Malnutrition and dehydration

Damaging Abuse

Emotional abuse including isolation from visitors and limited communication channels can lead to residents’ isolation and increased disorientation. This can create a need for a higher level of care, which in turn increases the cost of care. If a facility has theft and financial exploitation issues, there is a stressful burden on elders and their family members.

Attorneys You Can Trust

The legal professionals at Hofeld and Schaffner are award-winning personal injury attorneys with decades of experience dealing with complex cases necessitating litigation. When winning matters, choose a leading firm to represent your case.

Call Us Today

If you suspect a loved one is a victim of nursing home malpractice, call us at 312-702-1918 or contact us via our online form today. We can schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your case with one of our lawyers. Se habla español.

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